Fox News Poll Worthless, Hands Poll Position to Jeb Bush

I was sitting in my living room watching Fox News and an election poll popped up on my screen. As is my habit I immediately counted the candidates, memorized the poll results and made a mental note of the margin of error and promptly stopped listening to the talking heads who were telling me what to think about it.

I dug up the poll here.

The important point is that the margin of error is five points, meaning that Donald Trump could just as easily have been number one. Almost any of them could have. Add or take away five points from any candidate and the results are changed massively.

The poll speaks for itself but I want you to remember to pay attention to who is advertizing to you while you watch news programs.

Green Start Up Right In the Middle of Oil Country

Here is a GoFundMe page for a green business startup smack in the middle of oil country.

We like to blog these kinds of things  from time to time.

Book Rescue and Rehab Update

This is a video update on our efforts to save humanity:

The new Youtube channel is extremely low quality at the moment but we decided to put something up immediately.
These books all came from local Junior High, High School, Colleges, and residents. All were “discards” and “throw aways”.
In most cases these books are not replaced in inventory with new copies and are certainly not replaced when these schools transition to e-books. That is the troubling part.

Some of these books will be used in home school, tutoring and recreational efforts.

Click Here For the Book Recommendation of the Day

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Why I Rescue Books

Why I Rescue Books.

Why I Rescue Books

I was once a High School student. Not so long ago that I have grey hair but recent enough to have been witness to the beginning of the end of Western Civilisation.

That experience is best shared another day when I have finished writing my book. There is one experience that I will share today. Our school which was supposedly underfunded had a pretty magnificent library for its size and location. I thought so anyway. When I saw it Freshman year I was ecstatic. I would be able to supplement the abysmal excuse for an education I was receiving with private study. Little did I know we would never be allowed to use it or check out books. It was completely for show. Never during any school day were we allowed to use the Library and it was closed and locked before school, during lunch period, and after 2 p.m.

I never figured out why we employed a librarian.

Now that you know the story you can forgive me for sneaking in and borrowing books when no one was around.  You should forgive me anyway. Sadly no one missed any of them.

That experience gave me a new outlook on the availability of books.


I rescue books simply for the reason that they are being destroyed and never replaced. Yes it is happening. I started seeing it all over my area. I witnessed boxes full of books being dropped into dumpsters by local businesses and charities. I have encountered colleges and universities discarding books on important subjects never to be replaced. Even seminaries are guilty.

I have always loved books and believe it is a sin to ban or burn books. That is why I have decided to expand my efforts. I don’t know what this will become but I can feel that it will be great.

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Help Us Rescue Books

We have found several resources of books in our area that are currently being sold, destroyed, discarded, etc.
Help us rescue these books and find them a good home. Books that can be repaired without damaging historical value, collectible value, or functionality are repaired the best that our expertise allows.

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This is not a non-profit organization. This is a group of people who feel very passionately about keeping books out of incinerators, dumpsters, moldy basements, and ditches.

We are attempting to save this valuable knowledge for future generations

Deception In War by Jon Latimer

Stay tuned for a review. I can’t put it down.

Here it is if you can’t wait for the review.

Banned Book Week

This week is banned book week. One of the best gauges of the freedom of any given society is its free access to literature. The freedom of speech and of the press and of self-defense are the most important fundamental natural rights because they protect the other rights.
Banning books is a sin. It is a sin against the individual because it stifles free expression and it is a sin against nature because it halts the progress of the evolution of our society. Without expression we are no better nor are we more advanced than any animal.
The monster that is the drive to ban books is still alive today and banned book week is a call to action. A list of banned books is a shopping list and a reading list as far as any enlightened individual is concerned. For the unenlightened and barbaric crowds who attempt to ban reading material, or worse and God forbid, destroy reading material, you have the right to abstain from reading. You have the right to remain ignorant. You do not have the right to keep others ignorant. Any man or woman of any nation or creed who endeavors to ban books can count themselves among the worst tyrants and barbarians man has ever known. Men such as Hitler, Nero, Stalin, and the like.
I have a wonderful book that lists banned books called 100 Banned books. It can help grow a better library. It gives me a special kind of satisfaction reading books that were burned by Nazis such as Franz Kafka and Albert Einstein.

120 Banned Books: Censorship Histories of World Literature

 There are those who still endeavor to ban books

Why are people still trying to ban books? Books are banned for simple and base reasons. They are always banned because they threaten power because they enlighten individuals. They are banned because they offend someone’s sensibilities (more like lack of sensibilities) and they can not stand not controlling other people. They must read as they do.
Books are banned because they threaten a weak argument. No position can be said to be valid if it can not stand up to criticism and argument. This is true no matter the apparent silliness of the challenge. This is the Socratic Method of arriving at logic.
To this day books are constantly being challenged. They range from the wonderful children’s scary book series “Goosebumps” which engages the imagination of children and encourages reading, to modern political censorship such as early copies of “Operation Dark Heart”. Many other governments such as Iran ban Gene Sharp’s “From Dictatorship to Democracy” because it threatens their stranglehold on their people.

Operation Dark Heart: Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan—and the Path to Victory

 The Quiet Ban:

Banned by Withdrawal, Omission, and Obscurity

Sometimes it is hard to pinpoint which books are “banned books” because they are banned quietly by library staff, bookstores, and publishers.
Many such books come to the attention of library staff when a patron returns the book. The subject sometimes makes the staff uncomfortable and it is withdrawn from the library shelf. Sometimes this is done obviously to simply dump damaged copies of books and replace them with newer copies but other times it is admittedly done to censor the material from the public. This can be done out of complete ignorance. I was actually contacted by the public library when I was in High School and questioned in a very threatening manner over the books I was checking out. They claimed that they didn’t keep a record of my books but that was an obvious lie. That also didn’t stop them from scrutinizing books that I currently had out.
The ignorance in this case was astonishing. They said my reading habits had been flagged by all of the “extremist material” that I had been reading. My response at the time was “you mean the extremist material you provided?” I also pointed out that the books were diametrically opposed to each other. I was actually reading Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler, Adam Smith, Thomas Hobbes, and Ann Coulter over a period of a few weeks. I’m not sure which book set them off. Needless to say, this experience put me off of public libraries for a while. This was unfortunate but I didn’t want to go back there.

Omission is the scariest and most common book banning problem today.

Libraries across the country are throwing out old books and never replacing them. For reasons as outrageous such as “No one has checked it out in months or years.” That is the main purpose of a library. Normal citizens of a city can’t keep every book that they will ever need in their home. That is why the library stocks it. Beside the obvious problem now we are faced with the wasted money of stocking books then throwing them out.
This problem becomes even worse when libraries are “converted” to digital. This is not a conversion. This is a small selection of what may have been on the shelves before. In the age of the internet when massive amounts of reference data can be saved and stored without taking up hundreds of feet of shelf space, many books are simply disappearing during the digital transition. This can easily be demonstrated by searching the inventory online.


Obscurity is a very annoying problem with access to reading material. There are classics and well-known famous and important books that are just hard to find in some areas. It is not entirely clear why but it is very difficult to find books on entire subjects in many libraries and physical bookstores. It is very difficult to find reading material on Charlemagne, Emperor Constantine, and unabridged editions of many books. It is also difficult to find books on the roots of Nazism with source documents and first hand accounts. Two very useful (and seemingly hard to find) books on that subject “The Cultural Roots of National Socialism” by Hermann Glaser and “Unholy Alliance” by Peter Levenda .
Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult
The cultural roots of national socialism

Feel free to comment on any difficulties you may have finding books or any banned book news.

Stock up, read up, preserve, protect books. Remember if someone doesn’t want you to read it, read it first and read it more.

Start with these very important books

Brave New World
Brave New World Revisited
Animal Farm and 1984
Fahrenheit 451: A Novel
The Philosophical Dictionary

Books Banned

Frequently Challenged



Donate Below to Help Save Books

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Washington Post Survey: Only 36 percent of Americans can name the three branches of government

Here is a link to the article.

For more on this subject check out the Constitution Day post from yesterday.

Constitution Day

Happy Constitution Day everyone. James Madison

The importance of this day surpasses almost any other. It is certainly more important that most of the most popular holidays.

I want all the parents out there to talk to you children tonight (or any night if you are reading this after today) about our Constitution. Not just in The United States. It is the duty of every citizen of every country that has a constitution to learn its history structure and content. Constitutions are the framework of government and help decide many of the most important issues of our lives.

Most constitutions, no matter how imperfect, ensure domestic tranquility. When they are followed the security of the nation and its people are upheld. Failure of a government to follow its own laws is one of the biggest problems of our day. It damages the citizenry’s respect for the law and de-legitimizes the government every time it happens.

I encourage everyone who reads this blog to read and have your children read not only the United States Constitution, but also a collection of letters called the Federalist Papers. The Federalist Papers were written by James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton to explain the new constitution and encourage its ratification by the several states. Most who complain about the clarity of our constitution are either deliberately acting in a disingenuous manner or are simply ignorant of the proper material. Beyond the obvious clarity of the United States Constitution, this collection of letters explains intent and historical context for almost every constitutional question. The Federalist Papers (Dover Thrift Editions)

Today I want everyone to be mindful and thankful for the genius and elegance that went in to the document. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution for example protects what has been called the “laboratory of states”. Any power not specifically given to the Federal Government in the United States is left up to the States. They can exercise that authority or stay out of an issue completely. This has created great innovation because our citizens can vote with their feet. This means that local governments know that if they do not fully ensure the liberty of their citizens and stay out of the way of their prosperity they can leave and move to a more free area if they wish.
I also want to remind our readers of the difference between the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Many people think the Constitution is a list of twenty or so amendments. That is not so. The entire constitution lays out the structure and function of each branch of government and it does so beautifully. Many more people memorize the preamble at some point in their lives then never look at the body of the document.

Further Study on Constitutions:

the 5000 year leap

Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law

The Athenian Constitution (Penguin Classics)

15 Documents and Speeches That Built America (Unique Classics) (Declaration of Independence, US Constitution and Amendments, Articles of Confederation, Magna Carta, Gettysburg Address, Four Freedoms)

Happy Constitution Day and happy reading.